May 2014

Godzilla (2014)
Director: Gareth Edwards
Starring: Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ken Watanabe, Elizabeth Olsen
Running Time: 2 hrs, 3 mins
Rated: PG-13

Review by Brother Reed

SPOILER WARNING: This review references the movie’s ending and other plot developments throughout. Read at your own risk.

The moment the screen went black, I threw up my hands in exasperation. It was an emotion that had been building slowly over the past hour. This was the first time that I, a lifelong Godzilla fan, had ever seen the King of the Monsters on the big screen. I should be ecstatic. The last time he came to an American cinema was a universally recognized travesty, disowned and dismissed by most fans as an affront to the character’s legacy; and this new movie is by all accounts a superior entry into the well-loved saga. So why was I so disappointed? In fact, disappointment is really the wrong word for it. I was angry. I felt cheated. Bamboozled. Snookered. Ne’er-done-well. I won’t reproduce here the exact comments I made in the theater but here’s a visual aid:

25 Great Community Episodes: A Memorial


We got the news on Friday that Community was done. NBC decided not to renew that weird sitcom it’s been airing before Parks and Rec, the one with the rabid cult fan base and low ratings (though, it should be noted, not much lower than Parks). Over the past year or two as I went through the older seasons on DVD and watched the new ones on TV or on Hulu, the show has come to eclipse even 30 Rock and Arrested Development to take its place as my favorite TV comedy. In some ways it’s like the show was made for me. It was a colorful, creative show that pushed and sometimes destroyed the boundaries of what could be done in a half hour network slot. It made it okay to use movies and TV as ways of expressing yourself and connecting with the people around you. The Abed character was something special that I think really spoke to people. I hope that if I should die suddenly this week my friends will stage it to look like a suicide brought on by the sudden unjust cancellation of Community. READ FULL ARTICLE